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Embodied Dance in East Bristol

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.
- Martha Graham, dancer

I'm interested in joining morning movement sessions near Eastville Park!

Thank you for connecting!

Thank you for being open to moving!


Why a new dance offering? To help you move in tune with yourself, invite more joy into your life, and develop your range as a dancer.


On our 5 Rhythms, Movement Medicine and ecstatic dancefloors, the sets are amazing and sober dance spaces therapeutic. These spaces are where I've moved through so many of life's challenges.


That said, in my experience, the focus can get loose, and the invitation to "be in the moment" misinterpreted as "follow our every whim". It can absolutely be beautiful just to let go. Sometimes, though, we miss the opportunity to develop our dance.


I believe that when we become more skilled movers in the presence of a group, we develop a deeper understanding of ourselves, our gifts, and how we can relate to and respect those around us. My peers and I feel there is an opportunity for spaces that offer the structure to develop a skilled inner dancer, and the freedom to dance all that moves you.


I aim to offer a safely held space to move in tune with your inner state, with and in respect of others, along with invitations to challenge yourself. Explore new movements with guidance, dance life's archetypes, play with tempo and focus, and shift your dance patterns. In these sessions, you will move in tune with yourself to develop depth and resilience in your body.

Once we have a group of at least 12 signed up, I'll make arrangements to get started - so please add your e-mail to the list and share this page with your friends!

We will most likely be gathering in the 58th Scout Hall, BS5 6PU on Thursday mornings, 8.15 - 9am.

If you can't make that time but can suggest other mornings or lunchtimes when you're free, please reach out to let me know:

Until then, it'd be lovely to see you at my Thursday evening yoga class.

Thank you for connecting!

©2024 Hannah Embleton-Smith

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