Yoga & Massage with Hannah
1:1 Yoga, Group Yoga Classes & Ayurvedic Yoga Massage in Bristol
Join me to nurture your practice with commitment to compassion, truth and connection.
My priority is to create a safe, nurturing environment with the appropriate level of challenge for you to integrate the tools of yoga.
Play with asana, meditation and mantra in group yoga classes, 1:1 classes, join a group event, or give your system deep nourishment through Ayurvedic Yoga Massage.

My desire
is always the same; wherever Life
deposits me:
I want to stick my toe
& soon my whole body
into the water.
- Alice Walker
"You created a little pocket of absolute magic on retreat! I can't thank you enough for holding the space, it was so special. I can't wait to take some of the practices further. It was so inspiring and a beautiful experience all round. You and Izzy are the perfect team!"
- from Clare, a teacher rooted in the values of community and connection, and driven to improve children's education

Reach out
You're welcome to contact me for a conversation about what you need from your yoga practice, ask about joining a group event, or to arrange a massage:
E-mail hannahkramayoga@gmail.com
Phone/WhatsApp/Signal 07983 214 768
Call your spirit back from all the places it has wandered,
invite your fragments to unite
and watch them shine
in a sacred council of renewal
in your own front garden.
- Molly Remer